In my first look at what is today 4Hearts Ranch, all I could see was possibility. Although there was a lot of repair and renovation work to do to bring his old ranch into its own as the top-notch boarding community it is today, I knew immediately where I wanted to go with it. At the outset, I established three goals:
To create a safer, more beautiful, and highly functional environment for caring for and boarding horses to build community of equine enthusiasts of all disciplines. I envisioned 4Hearts Ranch as a respite and retreat space for horse owners, a place for enjoying horses and like-minded others. To do this meant launching a long list of repair and renovation projects that encompassed facilities—the three barns (with a boarder common area “hang out” space in Barn 2) and bring both the indoor and outdoor arenas up to their full potential. Today, just two and a half years in, our major renovations are complete—with even more projects on the horizon.
To fill every stall and maintain a waiting list of qualified horse owners who want to be here. We started with 30 horses. Once renovations were complete, we knew we could accommodate 110 horses in stalls. To work toward this goal required a concerted marketing effort to build awareness of all we have to offer, promote 4Hearts Ranch to horse owners near and far, and position ourselves as the premier horse boarding facility in the greater Fort Worth area. Most of this was just telling our story via this blog and social media, and doing everything we could to earn and share the reputation we were actively building. Establishing this kind of credibility takes time and effort—and a whole lot of reps of doing the right thing. But at the end of the day, there is no substitute for word of mouth, and we are thankful that our happy clients have shared their experiences here with their friends! As of this month, I am excited to announce that we now have every stall full and the waiting list has officially begun.
To build a community of people who enjoy their horses (whatever that looks like for each of them) and enjoy being together on the 4Hearts property. With 129 rolling acres of space to breathe and be, our ride-in, ride-out trails offer a short loop and a longer route with open spaces and a scenic ride up the creek. From loosely organized “Sunday Funday” trail rides to individuals and small groups out for a quick or leisurely trail experience, we can give ourselves and our horses a much-needed mental break. In addition to the boarders’ lounge area in Barn 2, we’ve added picnic areas, with scenic spaces to stop, think, rest, and just be with your horses. With literally something for every rider in all kinds of weather, you can work hard in the arenas, take it easy on the trails, or hand walk and graze your horse, all according to your own timeframes, priorities, and goals. There’s really no bond like loving and caring for horses, and I’ve been delighted to see all the sweet friendships and kind support for one another blossoming in the 4Hearts Ranch community we all share.
Coming soon (as soon as renovations are complete on the “ranch house”) will be the 4Hearts Ranch retreat facility—an onsite air B&B to host guests, gatherings, and future celebrations. Stay tuned for an update and virtual tour once it’s complete this summer.
Please reach out to us to schedule a tour or find out how you can join our waiting list to become part of this dynamic community of horse professionals and enthusiasts alike.