15 Oct

Ride-in, Ride Out Trails—Right Here at the Ranch

4Hearts is the place where friends can meet to ride—at the drop of a hat!

Continuing with our second-anniversary theme, another big attraction for me to this lovely ranch, besides its fantastic location (Just 20 minutes from downtown Fort Worth!), was the idea that its 129 rolling acres, beautiful ride-worthy Bear Creek, and wide-open hayfields offered some great places to ride—right here at home. I knew this spacious and relaxing pastoral setting could provide the perfect balm for city-weary boarders who come out after a long day’s work in the real world to spend just a little time horseback without having to hook up a trailer, drive to a trailhead, or coordinate any schedules.


In this horse community I’ve always dreamed of creating, there is always someone to ride with if you want or need a buddy (most of us do, plus it’s safer and more fun). I couldn’t wait to create an on-site trail experience with gently shaped, organized paths for our riders to enjoy on their own terms—with, of course, the occasional group ride and picnic when weekend weather is just too pretty to stay indoors! I knew this convenient amenity would be a game-changing difference 4Hearts could offer, a much better casual riding experience than just a stroll around the turn-out pasture. (At our full-care boarding facility, the turnout space is a separate rolling 55-acre tree-lined pasture dedicated to horse turnout only).

So here we are, two years later, with our significant barn and arena renovations now mostly complete, turning our attention to making this trail dream a reality. Our hardworking ranch crew has now groomed some new pathways to create a shorter “inner 

loop” trail and a longer and more involved “outer loop” trail to offer two exclusive 4Hearts trail experiences—and that relaxing “trail ride” feel over beautiful terrain, yet still handy enough for a quick trail ride whenever you need some quality “horse time” and the weather is just too pretty to resist.

Watch our Facebook page for riders looking for impromptu trail buddies—and also for more organized 4Hearts rides to create the ultimate ”happy hour” in our happy place—with happy trails to all of us who call 4Hearts home!